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R-Church Question Counter
Question: When does R-church have in-person services?
Answer: Presently, Resurrection Church offers in-person services twice per month on Saturdays (every 3rd and 4th Saturday) at 5:30pm
Question: Can I dress down?
Answer: Absolutely! Resurrection Church is a diverse community even as it concerns fashion!
Question: Does R-church have a children’s church?
Answer: Currently, R-church does not offer children’s church however, we are in the process of establishing it, and you and your little one have the opportunity to speed up the pace in which we get it going!
Question: I want to give! How can I be a blessing?
Answer: Firstly, thanks so much! Secondly, the right hand corner of your screen features one of several giving options that we house that are digital! We also offer Zelle, Givelify, and Cash App for other means of digital giving
Question: I need prayer! Do you guys have a prayer list?
Answer: Yes! Text this number (866-676-9133) there is a prayer team waiting to receive your name and email so we can add you to a monthly prayer call and the prayer list!
Question: Do you guys have Bible Study?
Answer: Most Definitely! We have Bible Study virtually and we broadcast on all platforms every Monday at 7pm! Take a second to follow our socials (on the bottom of the page) to stay up to date with our ministries!